- The Monkey and The Hunter
- Simultaneously Shoot and Drop Pair of Spheres
- Projectile Launched Vertically from a Moving Cart
Newt's Laws of Motion
- Newton's First Law
- Newton's Second Law
- Newton's Third Law
- Blackboard Mechanics Kit
- Cork Bob Accelerometer
Work and Energy
- Bowling Ball Pendulum
- Blocked Pendulum
- Loop-The-Loop
- Coefficients of Friction
- Friction Cart
- Energy Stored in a Spring
Mechanical Equilibrium
Collisions and Conservation of Momentum
- Explosions
- Totally Inelastic Collisions
- Elastic Collisions
- Newton's Collision Apparatus
- Internal Degrees of Freedom
Circular Motion
- Balls in Rotating Cups
- Loop-the-Loop
- Elastic Collisions
- Swinging Water Bucket Overhead
- Conical Pendulum
Rigid Body Rotations
Periodic Motion
Driven Oscillations and Resonance Phenomena
- Driven, Damped Harmonic Oscillator
- Resonance with a Speaker and Adjustable Pipe
- Driven Pendulum
- Modes of Vibration
- Compound Pendulum
- Chaotic Oscillations
Propagation of Mechanical Waves
Superposition of Waves
Normal Modes of Vibration
Acoustic Phenomena
Geometrical Optics
- Blackboard Optics Kit
- Dispersion in a Prism
- Total Internal Reflection
- Fiber Optic Cables
- Speed of Light
Interference and Diffraction
- Single Slit
- Double Slit
- Multiple Slits and Gratings
- Thin Film Interference:
- Newton's Rings
- Poisson's Spot
- Michelson Interferometer
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Conductivity
Pressure-Volume-Temperature Relationships
- Adiabatic Gas Law
- Pressure Differences
- Model Lung
- Boyle's Law
- V-T Relationship at Constant Pressure
- P-V-T Surface for Water
- Diffusion Through an Aperture
- P-T Relation at Constant Volume
Many Particle Systems
Electric Charge and Field
- Positive and Negative Charge by Friction
- Induced Surface Charge on Conductors
- Coulomb's Law
- Distribution of Surface Charge on Conductors
- Capacitors and Energy Storage
- Capacitance vs. Plate Separation
- Van de Graaff
- Jacob's Ladder
- Electric Field Lines
- Force on a Moving Charge in an Electric Field
- Flux Surface and Volume
Current and Resistance
- Resistors in Series and Parallel
- Internal Resistance of a Battery
- Ohmic and Non-Ohmic Devices
- Drift Velocity Demonstrator
- Wire Fryer (DC version)
Magnetic Field and Forces on Currents
- Magnetic Domain Model
- Magnetic Field of Permanent Magnets
- Earth's Magnetic Field: Dip Needle
- Magnetic Field of Currents
- Magnetic Field of a Solenoid
- Magnetic Force on an Electron Beam:
- Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire
- Magnetic Torque on a Current Loop
- Force Between Current-Carrying Wires
Induced Currents and EMF
- Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law
- Enclosed Fields and Magnetic Induction
- Current Generators
- DC Motors
- Eddy Currents:
- Jumping Rings
- Wire Fryer AC
- Transformers and Flux Linkage
- Self-Inductance and Energy Storage
- Displacement Current
Time Dependent Currents
Electromagnetic Waves
Quantum Physics
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Polarization of Scattered Light
Also known as the “Blue Sky, Red Sunset Demonstration” this simple apparatus at once illustrates both the wavelength dependence and polarization of scattered light. A bright light source is projected through a tank of water onto a white screen. The transmitted light (falling on the screen) is observed to be somewhat more reddish and not polarized, while the light which is scattered at 90 degrees appears more bluish and is strongly polarized. Ordinary tap water should have enough air bubbles and debris to make an effective scattering demonstration. If the water is too clean, scattering can be enhanced by addition of a bit of milk, dish detergent, colloidal silica, or other suitable small particles that will remain suspended for a reasonable amount of time. Students may be provided with individual pieces of polarizing film, or a single large piece of polarizer can be held by the instructor in front of the tank to show the polarization effect.